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新产品开发是EMCO Wheaton战略的核心, ,以保持在燃料处理技术的领先优势。在推出时,J0452是市场上技术最先进的燃料耦合器,被设计为K2/K2P的直接替代品。
J0453现在已经取代了这个型号,提供了更多的功能和改进的设计。EMCO Wheaton公司将为J0452提供原厂备件和服务包,再支持X年。关于J0453的更多信息,请点击这里。
J0542的人体工程学设计,包括一个可选择的带过滤元件的集成泵,几乎消除了泄漏,并优先考虑了操作的便利性。它配备了EMCO Wheaton's 锻造铝杆作为标准配置,并采用了硬涂层阳极氧化机身,以确保现场的可靠性。原地更换鼻封也意味着J0452非常容易维护,即使在大量重复使用后也是如此。
与所有EMCO Wheaton API接头 ,该型号提供最小的压降和高流量。它还遵守公认的国际标准和行业规范,包括加拿大CRN认证。
J0452,总重量为9.79公斤(21.5磅),不含可选的集成泵,最大工作压力为16 bar(240 psi)。它与一个4英寸的油罐车法兰连接,并与X型密封圈一起发货。还可提供侧边或顶部的把手。
For more than 100 years, Emco Wheaton has provided premium fluid transfer systems that are engineered t omeet and exceed the growing demands of our customers across a range of on- and off-shore industries; including gas, chemical, aviation, storage and transportation. We take pride in servicing a global customer base by offering a range of market leading loading and fuel systems that have been engineered using extensive experience, expertise, and a culture of innovation. Backed by our first class service and support, only Emco Wheaton can provide our customers with the quality, safety, and peace of mind needed to help them drive their operations into the future.