Emco Wheaton has been a leading provider of fluid transfer systems and accessories for over 100 years. Our products are used for transferring fluids, often oil and fuels.
We provide our customers with reliable, high-quality, low-maintenance solutions that are tailored to solve their unique product transfer challenges. Our portfolio of products includes a range of Marine Loading Arms, Top Loading Arms, Bottom Loading Arms, and Swivel Joints. We also offer Gantry Access Equipment, DRY-BREAK Couplers and Tank Truck systems.
Our fluid transfer systems are engineered to safely and efficiently transfer a wide range of liquid and gas products. Flexibility ensures that our systems can be used in a wide range of industries and applications.
From marine, oil and gas, chemical, and food and beverage; to transport, aviation, and fleet fueling.
Fueling Systems
Fuel Systems
Emco Wheaton is one of the leading suppliers of a comprehensive range of road tanker loading/unloading systems.
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Fleet Fueling System
Our range of fleet fueling systems rise to any in-field challenge. Safe, efficient and robust.
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Tank Truck Equipment
EMCO Wheaton offers a wide range of components and loading systems for tank truck operators.
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DRY-BREAK ® Systems are used in any application where the accidental spillage of liquids must be avoided.
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API Coupling Manufacturers
EMCO Wheaton’s precision-engineered couplings stand apart from other API coupling manufacturers.
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Loading Systems
Marine Loading Arms
We design and manufacture a wide range of Marine Loading Arms to load and unload almost any liquid and compressed gas product from river barges, ships and ocean going super tankers.
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Land Loading Arms
Emco Wheaton land loading systems are designed to cover a broad range of fluid handling applications. We offer a complete portfolio of products to safely and efficiently load and unload a variety of liquid or gas products.
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Loading Arm Accessories
We offer a wide range of accessories for our road and rail loading arms.
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Access Equipment and Accesories| Emco Wheaton
The most common form of tanker access and enclosure is the Folding Stair.
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Swivel Joints
Our swivel joints are used for transporting a variety of gasses and fluids in loading arms.
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