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Our standard configuration bottom loading and unloading arm with 5 swivels has been a dependable, safe and clean method for tanker fill/discharge for many years.
Experience has shown that if the tanker connection arm ("B"-length) is fitted with high weight components such as a ball valve or breakaway coupling, the arm can be difficult to maneuver and handle. To prevent this and ensure that tanker loading is a one-man operation, we have designed a six swivel arm as shown.
The arm is fitted with six swivels for complete 3-axis movement of the tanker connection, allowing for tanker height changes during filling/discharge.
The arm is additionally fitted with a parallel bar which holds the tanker connection arm ("B"-length) in a horizontal position irrespective of the primary arm ("A"-length) position. This makes tanker connection and disconnection much easier.
The B-length also has a gas spring fitted allowing the operator to raise and lower the B-length with total ease.
Pipe Size:
Standard vertical range of motion:
Maximum vertical range of movement:
For more than 100 years, Emco Wheaton has provided premium fluid transfer systems that are engineered t omeet and exceed the growing demands of our customers across a range of on- and off-shore industries; including gas, chemical, aviation, storage and transportation. We take pride in servicing a global customer base by offering a range of market leading loading and fuel systems that have been engineered using extensive experience, expertise, and a culture of innovation. Backed by our first class service and support, only Emco Wheaton can provide our customers with the quality, safety, and peace of mind needed to help them drive their operations into the future.